
Discover Temecula’s Sister Cities – A Cultural Exchange Story




temecula sister city


Temecula’s sister cities’ relationships form the backbone of a cultural exchange that brings richness and diversity to the community. Since its establishment in 1992, Temecula has fostered strong ties with its sister cities, Leidschendam-Voorburg in The Netherlands and Daisen in Japan. These relationships have created opportunities for cultural, academic, and vocational exchanges that bridge the gap between Temecula and its sister cities, enriching business relationships and fostering mutual respect.

Key Takeaways:

  • Temecula’s sister city relationships contribute to cultural understanding and international collaboration.
  • The Temecula Sister Cities Association was established in 1992 to facilitate exchanges with Leidschendam-Voorburg and Daisen.
  • Exchanges involve students, city council members, law enforcement officers, fire department personnel, parents, and business leaders.
  • These exchanges open doors to new horizons and provide unique educational opportunities for the community.
  • The Temecula Sister Cities Association holds monthly board meetings and offers volunteer opportunities for those interested in getting involved.

The History of Temecula’s Sister Cities Program

The Temecula Sister Cities Association (TSCA) was established in 1992 with the aim of fostering connections between Temecula and its sister cities, Leidschendam-Voorburg in The Netherlands and Daisen in Japan. The program has since grown to encompass a variety of cultural, academic, and business exchanges, as well as community development initiatives.

Through the sister cities program, Temecula has forged strong bonds with Leidschendam-Voorburg and Daisen, promoting understanding and collaboration between these communities. The exchanges involve students, city council members, law enforcement officers, fire department personnel, parents, and business leaders, creating opportunities for cultural enrichment and mutual respect.

The TSCA organizes monthly board meetings to oversee the ongoing activities and initiatives of the sister cities program. These meetings provide a platform for members to discuss and plan upcoming exchanges, as well as address any issues or concerns related to the program. The next scheduled board meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 19, 2019 at 6pm.

Volunteer opportunities within the TSCA are also available, including the role of Daisen Student Exchange Coordinator. This position involves overseeing the student exchange program with Daisen, Japan, and while knowledge of the Japanese language and culture is helpful, it is not required. Those interested in volunteering or learning more about the program can contact the TSCA for more information.

Program Country Initiated
TSCA – Leidschendam-Voorburg The Netherlands 1992
TSCA – Daisen Japan 1992

“Our mission is to encourage the understanding of each other as individuals and as members of the family of nations. Our mission is achieved by facilitating cultural, academic and vocational exchanges that bridge the community of Temecula and our sister cities to enrich business relationships and friendships, and foster mutual respect.” – Temecula Sister Cities Association

The Significance of Sister City Relationships

The sister city partnerships in Temecula are more than just symbolic; they promote cultural understanding, economic opportunities, and lasting friendships. Through the Temecula Sister City Committee and projects, these relationships have flourished, bringing numerous benefits to the community.

One of the significant aspects of sister city partnerships is the cultural exchange that takes place. These exchanges involve various activities, such as musical performances, art exhibits, and international festivals. By experiencing and exploring the culture of their sister cities, citizens of Temecula gain insight into the history, values, and aesthetic sensibilities of their partners. This cultural exchange not only fosters appreciation for different cultures but also strengthens the bond between the communities.

The sister city relationships also create opportunities for education and youth exchanges. Students from Temecula have the chance to participate in student exchange programs, both physical and virtual, allowing them to gain international exposure and broaden their horizons. These exchanges are often described as life-changing experiences, and they contribute to the development of future leaders in international affairs and diplomacy.

Business and trade connections are also formed through sister city relationships. These connections provide access to new markets, assistance with import and export regulations, and introductions to potential partners. The sister city programs expand the resources available to local businesses, opening doors to economic growth and collaboration.

Sister City Partnerships Benefits:
Cultural understanding and appreciation
Economic opportunities and trade connections
International education and youth exchanges
Collaboration and community development initiatives

Furthermore, sister city relationships contribute to community development initiatives. Municipal employees and elected officials from Temecula learn from their counterparts in sister cities, implementing innovative policies and management techniques in various sectors such as sanitation, water, health, transportation, tourism, economic development, and education. These programs also foster support for schools abroad through donations of materials, construction, and partnerships with United States schools.

The sister city partnerships in Temecula are constantly evolving, with new initiatives and exchanges taking place regularly. The Temecula Sister Cities Association, along with the Temecula Sister City Foundation, actively promotes and organizes these programs. Through their efforts, the community continues to benefit from the cultural enrichment, economic growth, and stronger relationships that arise from these sister city connections.

Join the Temecula Sister City Committee in its monthly board meetings and explore volunteer opportunities to make a difference in fostering these invaluable sister city relationships.

Monthly Board Meetings

The Temecula Sister City Committee holds monthly board meetings to discuss and plan upcoming initiatives and exchanges. The next scheduled meeting is on Wednesday, June 19, 2019, at 6pm. If you are interested in attending or want more information, please contact us.

Volunteer Opportunities

The Temecula Sister Cities Association provides numerous volunteer opportunities for individuals or groups who want to contribute to the sister city program. Currently, we are looking for a volunteer or group of volunteers to oversee the student exchange program with our sister city, Daisen, Japan. If you are passionate about international relations and want to make a difference, please contact us for more information on how you can get involved.

Copyright © 2011 Temecula Sister City Association. All rights reserved.

Cultural and Academic Exchanges

Temecula’s sister city relationships have facilitated cultural and academic exchanges, allowing residents to learn about different cultures and traditions. Through the sister city exchange program, Temecula has formed strong connections with Leidschendam-Voorburg in the Netherlands, Amsterdam, The Hague, Voorburg, Utrecht, and Delft. These exchanges have brought a wealth of cultural experiences to the community.

The cultural exchanges between Temecula and its sister cities have included various activities such as musical performances, art exhibits, and international cultural festivals. These events provide an opportunity for residents to immerse themselves in the history, values, and aesthetic sensibilities of their partner cities. It’s through these interactions that mutual respect and understanding are fostered.

Additionally, the academic exchanges between Temecula and its sister cities have opened doors for educational opportunities. Students from Temecula have had the chance to participate in student exchanges, gaining valuable international experience. These exchanges are often described as life-changing, and they have inspired many participants to pursue careers in international affairs or diplomacy.

Sister City Country
Leidschendam-Voorburg Netherlands
Amsterdam Netherlands
The Hague Netherlands
Voorburg Netherlands
Utrecht Netherlands
Delft Netherlands

“Our exchanges have included the fine arts, musical productions, international festivals, teacher exchanges, and cultural art exchanges that are on display within our city,” said Robin Gilliland, Recreation Supervisor for the City of Temecula. “These city-to-city exchanges continue to bridge cultural, political, and socio-economic differences today and will continue to do so long into the future.”

Enhancing Global Understanding

The cultural and academic exchanges between Temecula and its sister cities have played an integral role in enhancing global understanding. By fostering relationships with international communities, Temecula residents have gained valuable insights into different ways of life and have developed a broader perspective on the world.

  • Temecula’s cultural and academic exchanges have included musical performances, art exhibits, and international cultural festivals.
  • Students have had the opportunity to participate in student exchanges, gaining valuable international experience.
  • These exchanges foster mutual respect and understanding between cultures, bridging cultural, political, and socio-economic differences.

The sister city relationships between Temecula and its international partners continue to enrich the community, bringing new horizons and opportunities for growth. Through cultural and academic exchanges, residents are able to broaden their perspectives and forge lasting friendships with individuals from different parts of the world.

Youth and Education Exchanges

Through student exchanges and educational programs, Temecula’s youth have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a different country’s education system and gain valuable cultural experiences. Temecula’s sister city, Daisen Town (formerly Nakayama) in Tottori Prefecture, Japan, offers a unique educational partnership that allows students to learn about Japanese language, culture, and traditions.

Sister City Location Education Opportunities
Daisen Town (formerly Nakayama) Tottori Prefecture, Japan The educational exchanges between Temecula and Daisen Town provide students with the chance to engage in cultural activities, attend school in a different country, and forge lasting friendships. These exchanges foster a global perspective, promote intercultural understanding, and prepare students for a diverse and interconnected world.

One notable program is the student exchange program between Daisen and Temecula. Students from Temecula have the opportunity to study in Daisen Town, experience daily life in a Japanese school, and learn about the local customs and traditions. Likewise, students from Daisen Town visit Temecula, immersing themselves in American culture and education. These exchanges not only enhance students’ language skills but also provide them with a broader worldview.

In addition to student exchanges, educational initiatives between Temecula and its sister cities include virtual exchanges and sports tournaments. These activities allow students to engage in meaningful interactions with their peers from different countries, fostering cultural understanding and appreciation. The Dalton School in Voorburg, a city in Temecula’s sister city Leidschendam-Voorburg in the Netherlands, is one of the institutions involved in these educational exchanges.

Opportunities for Cultural Learning

The youth and education exchanges organized by the Temecula Sister Cities Association not only offer academic opportunities but also facilitate cultural learning. Students participating in these programs have the chance to experience different traditions, customs, and cuisines. They engage in cultural activities, visit historical sites, and interact with local residents, gaining a deeper appreciation and understanding of the host country’s culture.

These exchanges not only benefit the students but also contribute to the broader community. By fostering cross-cultural connections and promoting global citizenship, the youth and education exchanges help create a more inclusive and interconnected world. They cultivate future leaders who possess a global mindset and are equipped to address the challenges and opportunities of an increasingly globalized society.

In conclusion, the youth and education exchanges between Temecula and its sister cities provide valuable opportunities for cultural immersion, educational enrichment, and the development of global perspectives. These exchanges foster mutual understanding, respect, and lasting friendships between the youth of different countries, contributing to a more interconnected and harmonious world.

Business and Trade Connections

The sister city relationships in Temecula create opportunities for local businesses to expand their networks and tap into international markets. Through the Temecula Sister Cities Association (TSCA), businesses in Temecula have the chance to establish connections with companies and organizations in Leidschendam-Voorburg, The Netherlands, and Daisen, Japan. These connections not only facilitate trade and business exchanges but also foster cultural understanding and collaboration.

One of the key initiatives of the TSCA is to organize trade delegations between Temecula and its sister cities. These delegations provide local businesses with the chance to showcase their products and services abroad, explore potential partnerships, and gain insights into international markets. By participating in these trade delegations, businesses in Temecula can expand their reach and access new opportunities for growth.

In addition to trade delegations, the TSCA also facilitates networking events and business matchmaking sessions between companies in Temecula and its sister cities. These events provide a platform for businesses to connect, exchange ideas, and explore potential collaborations. Whether it’s forging partnerships in the agricultural sector or exploring opportunities in the technology industry, the sister city relationships offer a range of avenues for business development.

The TSCA also supports businesses in navigating international trade regulations and provides resources to help them understand the cultural and business practices of their sister cities. This support ensures that businesses in Temecula can navigate the complexities of international trade and establish strong relationships with their counterparts in Leidschendam-Voorburg and Daisen.

Through the sister city relationships, Temecula businesses have the opportunity to broaden their horizons, expand their networks, and tap into international markets. The connections forged through these relationships not only benefit individual businesses but also contribute to the overall economic growth and cultural enrichment of the Temecula community.

Sister City Country Key Industries
Leidschendam-Voorburg The Netherlands Agriculture, Tourism, Technology
Daisen Japan Agriculture, Manufacturing, Tourism

“The sister city relationships in Temecula have opened doors for our local businesses to expand their networks and reach international markets. Through trade delegations, networking events, and business matchmaking sessions, businesses in Temecula have the opportunity to connect and collaborate with companies in Leidschendam-Voorburg and Daisen. These connections not only lead to business growth but also promote cultural understanding and cooperation.”

Community Development Initiatives

Temecula’s sister city relationships extend beyond cultural exchanges, with collaborative projects focused on community development and improvement. Through the efforts of the Temecula Sister City Committee and the Temecula Sister City Project, various initiatives have been implemented to foster mutual understanding and promote positive change.

One significant community development initiative is the annual student exchange program with Daisen, Japan. Students from both Temecula and Daisen have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a different culture, learn about international relations, and develop lifelong friendships. This exchange program not only enriches the lives of the participating students but also strengthens the bond between Temecula and its sister city.

Another notable initiative is the collaboration between the Temecula Sister City Committee and local businesses to support schools abroad. Through donations of materials, construction projects, and partnerships with American schools, the committee helps improve educational facilities and resources in sister cities. These efforts not only benefit the students in these communities but also contribute to the overall development of the sister cities.

Community Development Projects

In addition to the student exchange and educational support, the Temecula Sister City Committee has been actively involved in various community development projects. These projects focus on areas such as sanitation, water management, health, transportation, tourism, economic development, and education.

Project Description
Sanitation Initiative A peer-learning program between Temecula and its sister cities to share innovative sanitation policies and practices.
Water Management Collaboration Exchange of knowledge and expertise in water conservation and management to address water-related challenges.
Health Partnership Collaborative efforts to improve healthcare services and promote public health initiatives.
Transportation Development Sharing best practices in transportation infrastructure and urban planning for enhanced mobility.

These community development initiatives not only foster cooperation and mutual learning but also contribute to the sustainable growth and improvement of the sister cities involved. By working together, Temecula and its sister cities strive to create a better future for their communities.

As the Temecula Sister City Committee continues to pursue community development projects, there are ongoing opportunities for individuals to get involved and make a difference. By volunteering with the committee, community members can contribute their skills and expertise to these initiatives, further strengthening the bond between Temecula and its sister cities.

Temecula’s commitment to community development through its sister city relationships reflects the city’s dedication to fostering global connections, promoting cultural understanding, and making a positive impact both locally and internationally.

Volunteer Opportunities

If you would like to be part of these community development initiatives, the Temecula Sister City Committee welcomes volunteers. Whether you have expertise in a specific area or simply want to contribute your time and energy, there are various volunteer opportunities available. To learn more about how you can get involved, please contact the Temecula Sister City Committee.

“Our exchanges have included the fine arts, musical productions, international festivals, teacher exchanges, and cultural art exchanges that are on display within our city. These city-to-city exchanges continue to bridge cultural, political, and socio-economic differences today and will continue to do so long into the future.” – Robin Gilliland, Recreation Supervisor for the City of Temecula

Through community development initiatives and the dedication of volunteers, Temecula’s sister city relationships contribute to the continued growth and enrichment of the city and its global connections.

Monthly Board Meeting

The Temecula Sister City Committee holds monthly board meetings to discuss ongoing projects, plan future initiatives, and provide updates on the progress of sister city relationships. The next scheduled board meeting is on Wednesday, June 19, 2019, at 6pm. If you are interested in attending or learning more about the committee’s work, please contact the Temecula Sister City Committee for more information.

© 2011 Temecula Sister City Association. All rights reserved.

Current Initiatives and Exchanges

The Temecula Sister Cities Association continues to facilitate various exchanges and initiatives that strengthen the bonds between Temecula and its sister cities. Through these partnerships, Temecula residents have the opportunity to engage in cultural, academic, and vocational exchanges that foster mutual respect and understanding.

Cultural and Academic Exchanges

One of the key areas of focus for the Temecula Sister Cities Association is cultural and academic exchanges. These exchanges provide a platform for residents of Temecula to explore and experience the history, values, and aesthetic sensibilities of their sister cities. From musical performances and art exhibits to international cultural festivals, these exchanges offer valuable insights into the diverse cultures of the partner communities.

Furthermore, Temecula has developed close ties with Leidschendam-Voorburg in the Netherlands and Daisen in Japan. Through these partnerships, Temecula residents have the opportunity to engage in educational programs that promote international affairs and citizen diplomacy. Student exchanges, virtual exchanges, and sports tournaments are just a few examples of the impactful youth and education exchanges taking place between Temecula and its sister cities.

Business and Trade Connections

The sister city relationships formed by Temecula have also led to valuable business and trade connections. These partnerships create opportunities for local businesses to expand their reach and access new markets. Through trade delegations, tourism collaborations, and connections with international municipal officials, Temecula businesses can tap into a global network for growth and collaboration. Sister city programs provide resources and expertise to navigate import and export regulations, find new business partners, and foster international economic development.

Community Development Initiatives

Sister city relationships go beyond cultural and economic exchanges; they also have the power to foster community development. Through peer-learning and collaboration with partner cities, Temecula has implemented innovative policies and management techniques in areas such as sanitation, water, health, transportation, tourism, economic development, and education. These exchanges have also enabled the collection of supplies and fundraising efforts to support sister cities during natural disasters or emergencies. Additionally, the Temecula Sister Cities Association actively supports schools abroad through donations, construction projects, and partnerships with schools in the United States.

Category Initiatives
Arts and Culture Exchanges Musical performances, art exhibits, international festivals
Youth and Education Exchanges Student exchanges, virtual exchanges, sports tournaments
Business and Trade Exchanges Trade delegations, tourism collaborations, connections with international officials
Community Development Exchanges Peer-learning for innovative policies, support during emergencies, school partnerships

These exchanges and initiatives facilitated by the Temecula Sister Cities Association contribute to the enrichment of business relationships, friendships, and cultural understanding between Temecula and its sister cities. They provide unique educational opportunities and promote citizen diplomacy, ultimately strengthening the global bonds forged by Temecula.

Copyright © 2011 Temecula Sister City Association. All rights reserved.

Monthly Board Meetings

The Temecula Sister Cities Association holds regular monthly board meetings to discuss and plan upcoming initiatives and exchanges. These meetings provide a platform for members of the association to come together, share ideas, and collaborate on projects that promote cultural exchange and mutual understanding between Temecula and its sister cities.

During these meetings, the board members review and evaluate ongoing programs, as well as propose and develop new initiatives that further strengthen the relationships between Temecula and its sister cities. The meetings serve as a forum for members to exchange information, discuss challenges, and celebrate the successes and achievements of the association’s various projects.

The monthly board meetings also provide an opportunity for members of the Temecula community who are interested in volunteering or getting involved with the sister cities program to learn more about the association’s activities and contribute their skills and expertise. It is a chance for individuals to join the efforts in fostering cultural, educational, and business connections between Temecula and its sister cities.

Upcoming Board Meeting

Date Time Location
Wednesday, June 19, 2019 6:00pm Temecula City Hall

If you are interested in attending the next board meeting or would like more information about the Temecula Sister Cities Association, please contact us at info@temeculasistercities.org. We welcome your participation and look forward to working together to promote cultural exchange and international understanding.

Copyright © 2011 Temecula Sister City Association. All rights reserved.

Volunteer Opportunities

The Temecula Sister Cities Association is always looking for volunteers to support their programs and initiatives. By volunteering, you can play a crucial role in bridging the Temecula community with our sister cities and fostering cultural exchange and understanding.

Currently, the TSCA is seeking a volunteer or group of volunteers to oversee its student exchange program with our sister city of Daisen, Japan. While knowledge of the Japanese language and culture is helpful, it is not required. This program offers a unique opportunity to make a difference in the lives of students and promote international friendships.

If you are interested in volunteering as the Daisen Student Exchange Coordinator or would like more information, please contact the Temecula Sister Cities Association. Your dedication and involvement can contribute to the success of these valuable exchanges and help strengthen the bond between Temecula and its sister cities.

Event Date
Monthly Board Meeting Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Stay updated on the latest happenings and get involved by attending the monthly board meetings of the Temecula Sister Cities Association. The next scheduled meeting will be on Wednesday, June 19, 2019, at 6pm. This is an excellent opportunity to learn more about the organization, meet fellow volunteers, and contribute to the planning and execution of sister city programs and initiatives.

Remember, your involvement as a volunteer can make a significant difference in promoting cultural understanding, building international friendships, and enriching the lives of individuals in the Temecula community. Join the Temecula Sister Cities Association in their mission to bridge communities and foster mutual respect.

Copyright © 2011 Temecula Sister City Association. All rights reserved.


Temecula’s sister city relationships provide a platform for cultural exchange, educational opportunities, and economic connections that enrich the community’s fabric. Through these partnerships, Temecula residents are able to engage in meaningful exchanges and experiences that foster mutual respect and understanding.

The Importance of Sister City Relationships

Sister city relationships hold great significance for Temecula, as they encourage the understanding of each other as individuals and members of the international community. These relationships are achieved through cultural, academic, and vocational exchanges that bridge the gap between Temecula and its sister cities, nurturing friendships and enriching business relationships.

Our exchanges have included the fine arts, musical productions, international festivals, teacher exchanges, and cultural art exchanges that are on display within our city. These city-to-city exchanges continue to bridge cultural, political, and socio-economic differences today and will continue to do so long into the future.

Opportunities for Engagement

Temecula residents can take part in a range of activities and initiatives facilitated by the sister city relationships. These include arts and cultural programs, youth and education exchanges, business and trade connections, and community development initiatives. The exchanges provide unique educational and networking opportunities, allowing individuals from Temecula to gain insights into different cultures and expand their horizons.

Looking Ahead

The Temecula Sister Cities Association continues to foster collaborations and facilitate ongoing initiatives and exchanges with its sister cities. The association holds monthly board meetings, providing a platform for members to discuss and plan future activities. Additionally, volunteer opportunities are available within the association, allowing individuals to contribute to the success and growth of the sister city program.

Categories Description
Arts and Culture Exchanges These exchanges encompass a variety of activities such as musical performances, art exhibits, peace parks and gardens, and international cultural festivals. They provide insight into the history, values, and aesthetic sensibilities of partner cities.
Youth and Education Exchanges These exchanges offer students the opportunity to engage in international affairs and citizen diplomacy. Activities may include student exchanges, virtual exchanges, and sports tournaments.
Business and Trade Exchanges Sister city relationships facilitate connections with international municipal officials, institutions, and businesses. These connections open up new markets, provide assistance with import and export regulations, and introduce new partners to local businesses.
Community Development Exchanges Sister city partnerships enable peer-learning and knowledge sharing between municipal employees and elected officials. These exchanges have led to the implementation of innovative policies and management techniques in various areas such as sanitation, water, health, transportation, and economic development.

By actively participating in these exchanges, Temecula continues to strengthen the ties with its sister cities, fostering international cooperation and promoting peace and understanding through citizen diplomacy.

Copyright Statement

© 2011 Temecula Sister City Association. All rights reserved.

Copyright Statement

Copyright © 2011 Temecula Sister City Association. All rights reserved.

The Temecula Sister City Association was established in 1992 to foster cultural, academic, and vocational exchanges that bridge the community of Temecula with its sister cities, Leidschendam-Voorburg in The Netherlands and Daisen in Japan. These sister city relationships have opened the door to new horizons for students, city council members, law enforcement officers, fire department personnel, parents, and business leaders, enriching business relationships and friendships while fostering mutual respect.

Our mission is to encourage the understanding of each other as individuals and as members of the family of nations. Through cultural, academic, and vocational exchanges, we aim to bridge the communities of Temecula and our sister cities, enriching business relationships and friendships while fostering mutual respect.

The Temecula Sister City Association holds monthly board meetings to discuss and plan our various initiatives. Our next scheduled board meeting will be on Wednesday, June 19, 2019, at 6pm. For more information about our meetings or to get involved, please contact us.

We are currently seeking volunteers to oversee our student exchange program with our sister city of Daisen, Japan. While knowledge of the Japanese language and culture is helpful, it is not required. If you are interested in this volunteer opportunity, please contact us for more information.


Q: What is the purpose of the Temecula Sister City Association?

A: The Temecula Sister City Association was established in 1992 to bridge the Temecula community with sister cities in Leidschendam-Voorburg, The Netherlands, and Daisen, Japan. The association’s mission is to encourage understanding, cultural exchanges, and friendships between Temecula and its sister cities.

Q: What kind of exchanges are there between Temecula and its sister cities?

A: Temecula has exchanges in various areas, including students, city council members, law enforcement officers, fire department personnel, parents, and business leaders. These exchanges provide opportunities for cultural, academic, and vocational enrichment, as well as fostering mutual respect.

Q: Are there any volunteer opportunities available in the Temecula Sister City Association?

A: Yes, the association is currently looking for a volunteer or group of volunteers to oversee its student exchange program with Daisen, Japan. Knowledge of the Japanese language and culture is helpful but not required. Please contact the association for more information.

Q: When is the next board meeting of the Temecula Sister City Association?

A: The next scheduled board meeting will be on Wednesday, June 19, 2019, at 6pm. For more information, please contact the association.

Q: How does the Temecula Duck Pond represent the sister city relationships?

A: The Temecula Duck Pond underwent extensive renovations in 2013 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the sister city relationships. The space now includes Japanese architecture, plants, and sculptures to honor the artistic style of Japan. It also features stainless steel tulips representing the sister city of Leidschendam-Voorburg, The Netherlands.

Q: What are the categories of exchanges in the sister cities network?

A: The sister cities network includes exchanges in arts and culture, youth and education, business and trade, and community development. These exchanges promote peace, understanding, and citizen diplomacy between communities.

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